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This object is derived from CadObject and represents a single vector within the job. A CadContour holds a Contour object which contains the actual data for the vector shape. A CadContour is created from a Contour object using the CreateCadContour() method. To access the Contour data from a CadContour object, use the:GetContour() method from the base CadObject class.


All the properties for this object are documented in the CadObject base class


Note: This object inherits all documented methods from the CadObject base class with the following additions

:InsertToolpathAtTabAtPoint(Point2D point)

This method inserts a toolpath tab at the point on the CadContour closest to the specified point.

Returns: a ToolpathTab object.

point (Point2D) The point where to place the toolpath tab



Please Note: The base material for the contents found in this WiKi was sourced from Vectric Lua Interface for Gadgets, version 2.05, published September 12, 2018. by Vectric Ltd. Most current document from Vertric can be downloaded at Vertric Developer Information