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This object is responsible for managing all the layers within the application. A reference to the CadLayerManager is obtained via the LayerManager property of the VectricJob. The CadLayerManager maintains a list of all the CadLayers in the job.



Interaction: Read Only

Returns: (integer) the number of layers being managed


Interaction: Read Only

Returns: (bool) true if there are no layers else false


:FindLayerWithName(string layer_name)

Returns: (string or nil) the CadLayer with passed name. If no layer exists with the passed name it returns nil

Layer_name (string) Name for layer

Example Code:

 local layer = job.LayerManager:FindLayerWithName(layer_name)   


Returns: the current active CadLayer. If no layer exists Returns nil

:GetAt(POSITION pos)

Returns: the layer at the passed position

pos (POSTION) current position in list


Returns: (POSITION) a variable to allow access to the head of the list of layers

:GetLayerWithName(string layer_name)

Returns: the CadLayer with passed name. If no layer exists with the passed name a new layer is created

:GetLayerWithId(UUID layer_id)

Returns: the CadLayer with passed id. The id is usually obtained from the .RawLayerId property of a CadObject

:GetNext(POSITION pos)

Returns: Both the layer at the current position AND a new value for position pointing to the next item in the list (or nil if at end of list)

pos (POSTION) current position in list
Note: GetNext(pos) is returning two values:

Example Code:

  local job = VectricJob()
  local layer_manager = job.LayerManager
  local pos = layer_manager:GetHeadPosition()
  local layer
  while pos ~= nil do
    layer, pos = layer_manager:GetNext(pos)
  end -- while end 

:GetPrev(POSITION pos)

Returns: the layer at the current position AND a new value for position, pointing to the previous item in the list (or nil if at start of list)

pos (POSTION) current position in list


Returns: (POSITION) a variable to allow access to the tail of the list of layers


Returns true if there is data on more than one sheet. 

:RemoveLayer(CadLayer layer) 

Remove the passed layer object from the list of layers in the job. 

Layer - CadLayer - layer to remove from the job. 

:SetActiveLayer(CadLayer layer)

Sets passed layer to be the current active layer. If passed layer is nil, sets first layer to be active.

Layer (CadLayer) layer to be made the active layer

Example Code:

 function SetBitmapBrightness(job, brightness)
    if not job.Exists then
       DisplayMessageBox("No job loaded")
       return false
    local layer_manager = job.LayerManager
    local pos = layer_manager:GetHeadPosition()
    while pos ~= nil do
      local layer
           layer, pos = layer_manager:GetNext(pos)
      if not layer.IsSystemLayer then
         local layer_pos = layer:GetHeadPosition()
         while layer_pos ~= nil do
            local object
                  object, layer_pos = layer:GetNext(layer_pos)
            if object.ClassName == "vcCadBitmap" then
               cad_bitmap = CastCadObjectToCadBitmap(object)
               MessageBox("Found bitmap - brightess = " .. cad_bitmap.Brightness)
               cad_bitmap.Brightness = brightness
               cad_bitmap.Visible = visible
            end -- if end
         end -- while end
      end  -- if end
    end -- while end of for each object on layer
  end  -- function end of for each layer



Please Note: The base material for the contents found in this WiKi was sourced from Vectric Lua Interface for Gadgets, version 2.05, published September 12, 2018. by Vectric Ltd. Most current document from Vertric can be downloaded at Vertric Developer Information