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This object is responsible for managing all the sheets within the applica􀆟on. A reference to the CadSheetManager is obtained via the SheetManager property of the VectricJob. The CadSheetManager maintains a list of all the sheet ids in the job.



Read / Write UUID - Get the id of the active sheet. Set this value to the id of a different sheet to change the active sheet.


Read Only Integer- returns the number of sheets in the job.

Example Code:

Returns the number of sheets
function SheetCount()                                   
  local job = VectricJob()
  local sheet_manager = job.SheetManager
  return sheet_manager.NumberOfSheets
end -- function end


:CreateSheets:(integer num_sheets, UUID sheet_id)

Create num_sheets new sheets with the same properties as the sheet with id sheet_id.

num_sheets - integer - the number of new sheets to add to the job.
sheet_id - UUID - the id of the sheet that the new sheets should take their properties from (e.g. dimensions, Z Zero Posi􀆟on etc.).

:CreateSheets:(integer num_sheets, UUID sheet_id, Box2D material_bounds)

Create num_sheets new sheets with the same properties as the sheet with id sheet_id but with width and height defined by material_bounds.

num_sheets - integer - the number of new sheets to add to the job.
sheet_id - UUID - the id of the sheet that the new sheets should take their properties from.
material_bounds - Box2D - the width and height dimensions for the new sheets.


Returns: Lua iterator that can be used to iterate over all of the sheet ids in the job (see example below).

:GetSheetName(UUID sheet_id)

Returns: name of the sheet with the passed id as a string.

sheet_id - UUID - the method will return the name of the sheet with this id.

Example Code:

-- =====================================================]]
  function SheetSet(Name)                                 -- Move focus to a named sheet
    local job = VectricJob()
    local sheet_manager = job.SheetManager
    local sheet_ids = sheet_manager:GetSheetIds()
    for id in sheet_ids do
      if(sheet_manager:GetSheetName(id) == Name) then
        sheet_manager.ActiveSheetId = id
      end -- if end
    end -- for end 
  end -- function end 
  -- =====================================================]]
  function SheetNextSize(Name, X, Y)                            -- Make New Sheet to size (x, y)
    if X == nil then
      X = Milling.MaterialBlockWidth
      X = X + (2 * Milling.Cal)
    end -- function end
    if Y == nil then
      Y = Milling.MaterialBlockHeight
      Y = Y + (2 * Milling.Cal)
    end -- function end
    Milling.Sheet = Milling.Sheet + 1
    local sheet_manager = Milling.job.SheetManager
    local sheet_ids = sheet_manager:GetSheetIds()
    for id in sheet_ids do
      if(sheet_manager:GetSheetName(id) == "Sheet 1") then
        sheet_manager:CreateSheets(1, id, Box2D(Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(X, Y)))
      end -- function end
    return true
  end -- function end
-- =====================================================]]


Please Note: The base material for the contents found in this WiKi was sourced from Vectric Lua Interface for Gadgets, version 11.0, published October 18, 2011. by Vectric Ltd. Most current document from Vertric can be downloaded at Vertric Developer Information