Component – Aspire Only

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Components form the basis of 3D modeling within Aspire. A Component is created when a Relief is added to the ComponentManager. In order to reduce memory consumption, the Components use a Relief referencing scheme coordinated by the ComponentManager. In short several Components can reference a single Relief.

For Example

From 01_Creation.lua
 -- Check for the existence of a job
  local job = VectricJob()
  if not job.Exists then
     return false
  end -- if end

 -- Try and create a relief
  local pixel_width  = 1000
  local pixel_height = 1000
  local width = 5.0
  local height = 5.0
  local relief = Relief(pixel_width, pixel_height, width, height) -- Set its data
  local max_r = 0.5 * math.sqrt(pixel_width * pixel_width + pixel_height * pixel_height)
  for y = 0, pixel_height - 1 do                                         -- We want our waves to eminate from the centre
    local y_r = (2 * y - pixel_height) or 2
    for x = 0, pixel_width - 1 do                                        -- We want our waves to eminate from the centre
       local x_r = (2 * x - pixel_width) or 2                            -- Compute our normalized radial position from the model centre
       local r = math.sqrt(x_r * x_r + y_r * y_r) or max_r               -- Our amplitude is a gaussian function of our radial position
       local amp = math.exp( - 10.0 * (r - 0.3) * (r - 0.3))             -- Set the height from a cos function
       local z = 0.5 + 0.2 * amp * math.cos(2 * math.pi * 5 * r)
       relief:Set(x, y, z)
    end -- for end
  end -- for end
  -- Add the relief to the manager
  local component_manager = job.ComponentManager
  component_manager:AddRelief(relief, CombineMode.Add, "01 Creation") 



Please Note: The base material for the contents found in this WiKi was sourced from Vectric Lua Interface for Gadgets, version 10.0, published August 21, 2019. by Vectric Ltd. Most current document from Vertric can be downloaded at Vertric Developer Information