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This object is used to build a list of files and directories matching various criteria.



Create a new object used for building lists of files

local dir_reader = DirectoryReader()


:BuildDirectoryList(string dir_path, bool recurse)

Build a list of directories we will search for files

dir_path (string) path to build list of files from
recurse(bool) if true include sub directories as well


Clear list of directories


Clear list of files

:DirAtIndex(integer index)

Returns: (DirectoryEntry for directory at passed index index (integer) index of directory entry to get. Entries are indexed from 1 to:NumberOfDirs()

:FileAtIndex(integer index)

Returns: (FileEntry for file at passed index index (integer) index of file entry to get. Entries are indexed from 1 to:NumberOfFiles()

:GetFiles(string filter, bool include_files_in_list, bool include_dirs_in_list)

Add files or directories matching passed filter to list held by this object. Note this method can be called multiple times to add different sets of files

filter (string) Filter (eg "*.dxf") to use for finding matching files
include_files_in_list (bool) if true we collect names of matching files
include_dirs_in_list (bool) if true we collect names of matching directories


Sort list of directories into alphabetical order

:SortFiles(integer sort_order, bool reverse)

Sort list of files into order

sort_order (integer) Sorting algorithm to use, options are
reverse(bool) if true sort in reverse order


Returns: (the number of directories found


Returns: (the number of files found



Please Note: The base material for the contents found in this WiKi was sourced from Vectric Lua Interface for Gadgets, version 10.0, published August 21, 2019. by Vectric Ltd. Most current document from Vertric can be downloaded at Vertric Developer Information