Example Toolpath Code

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These are Code Examples for toolpaths.

Selection by Layer Name


Create a selection set by layer name and object type, retunes the selection set.

  function SelectVectorsOnLayer(layer, selection, select_closed, select_open, select_groups)
  --[[ Please Note: SelectVectorsOnLayer is provided by Vectric and can be found in the SDK and Sample Gadget files.
  -- | ---------------- SelectVectorsOnLayer ----------------
  -- |   SelectVectorsOnLayer("Stringer Profile", selection, true, false, false)
  -- |   Add all the vectors on the layer to the selection
  -- |     layer,            -- layer we are selecting vectors on
  -- |     selection         -- selection object
  -- |     select_closed     -- if true  select closed objects
  -- |     select_open       -- if true  select open objects
  -- |     select_groups     -- if true select grouped vectors (irrespective of open / closed state of member objects)
  -- |  Return Values:  true if selected one or more vectors
  -- |
  -- ====================================================]]
  local objects_selected = false
  local warning_displayed = false
  local pos = layer:GetHeadPosition()
  while pos ~= nil do
    local object
    object, pos = layer:GetNext(pos)
    local contour = object:GetContour()
    if contour == nil then
      if (object.ClassName == "vcCadObjectGroup") and select_groups then
        selection:Add(object, true, true)
        objects_selected = true
        if not warning_displayed then
          local message = "Object(s) without contour information found on layer - ignoring"
          if not select_groups then
            message = message ..  "\r\n\r\n" ..
            "If layer contains grouped vectors these must be un-grouped for this script"
          end -- if end
          StatusMessage("Error", "Select Vectors", message, "(7200)")
          warning_displayed = true
        end -- if end
      end -- if end
    else  -- contour was NOT nil, test if Open or Closed
      if contour.IsOpen and select_open then
        selection:Add(object, true, true)
        objects_selected = true
      elseif select_closed then
        selection:Add(object, true, true)
        objects_selected = true
      end -- if end
    end -- if end
  end -- while end
  -- to avoid excessive redrawing etc. we added vectors to the selection in 'batch' mode
  -- tell selection we have now finished updating
  if objects_selected then
  end -- if end
  return objects_selected
end -- function end
-- =====================================================]]

Pocketing Toolpaths

CreatePocketingToolpath by Selection

Create a Pocketing toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors.

 function CreatePocketingToolpath(name, start_depth, cut_depth, tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_stepover_percent, tool_in_mm)
--[[ ------------ CreatePocketingToolpath ------------
|| =====================================================
| Create a Pocketing toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors
| Parameters:
| name, -- Name for toolpath
| start_depth -- Start depth for toolpath below surface of material
| cut_depth -- cut depth for pocket toolpath
| tool_dia -- diameter of end mill to use
| tool_stepdown -- stepdown for tool
| tool_stepover_percent -- percentage stepover for tool
| tool_in_mm -- true if tool size and stepdown are in mm
|| =====================================================]]
-- Return Values:
-- true if toolpath created OK else false

-- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
  local tool = Tool("Lua End Mill",Tool.END_MILL -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT)
  tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
  tool.ToolDia = tool_dia
  tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown
  tool.Stepover = tool_dia * (tool_stepover_percent / 100)
  tool.RateUnits = Tool.MM_SEC -- MM_SEC, MM_MIN, METRES_MIN, INCHES_SEC,...
  tool.FeedRate = 30
  tool.PlungeRate = 10
  tool.SpindleSpeed = 20000
  tool.ToolNumber = 1
  tool.VBitAngle = 90.0 -- used for vbit only
  tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia * (tool_stepover_percent / 100) -- used for vbit only
-- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
  local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
  pos_data:SetHomePosition(0, 0, 5.0)
  pos_data.SafeZGap = 5.0
-- Create object used to pass pocketing options
  local pocket_data = PocketParameterData()
-- start depth for toolpath
  pocket_data.StartDepth = start_depth
-- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
  pocket_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
-- direction of cut for offet clearance - ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION or
-- ProfileParameterData.CONVENTIONAL_DIRECTION - NOTE: enum from ProfileParameterData
  pocket_data.CutDirection = ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION
-- Allowance to leave on when machining
  pocket_data.Allowance = 0.0
-- if true use raster clearance strategy , else use offset area clearance
  pocket_data.DoRasterClearance = true
-- angle for raster if using raster clearance
  pocket_data.RasterAngle = 0
-- type of profile pass to perform PocketParameterData.PROFILE_NONE ,
-- PocketParameterData.PROFILE_FIRST orPocketParameterData.PROFILE_LAST
  pocket_data.ProfilePassType = PocketParameterData.PROFILE_LAST
-- if true we ramp into pockets (always zig-zag)
  pocket_data.DoRamping = false
-- if ramping, distance to ramp over
  pocket_data.RampDistance = 10.0
-- if true in Aspire, project toolpath onto composite model
  pocket_data.ProjectToolpath = false
-- Create object which can be used to automatically select geometry
  local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector()
-- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view, if false we dont
  local create_2d_previews = true
-- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
  local display_warnings = true
-- if we are doing two tool pocketing define tool to use for area clearance
  local area_clear_tool = nill
-- we just create a tool twice as large for testing here
  area_clear_tool = Tool("Lua Clearance End Mill",Tool.END_MILL) -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
  area_clear_tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
  area_clear_tool.ToolDia = tool_dia * 2
  area_clear_tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown * 2
  area_clear_tool.Stepover = tool_dia * 2 *(tool_stepover_percent / 100)
  area_clear_tool.RateUnits = Tool.MM_SEC -- MM_SEC, MM_MIN, METRES_MIN, INCHES_SEC..
  area_clear_tool.FeedRate = 30
  area_clear_tool.PlungeRate = 10
  area_clear_tool.SpindleSpeed = 20000
  area_clear_tool.ToolNumber = 1
  area_clear_tool.VBitAngle = 90.0 -- used for vbit only
  area_clear_tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia*2*(tool_stepover_percent/100) -- used for vbit
-- Create our toolpath
  local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
  local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreatePocketingToolpath(name, tool, area_clear_tool, pocket_data, pos_data, 
                                                               geometry_selector, create_2d_previews, display_warnings)
  if toolpath_id == nill then
     DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
     return false
  end -- if end
  return true
end -- function end
-- =====================================================]]

CreatePocketingToolpath by Named Layer

Create a Pocketing toolpath within the program for the named layer.

 function CreateLayerPocketingToolpath(layer_name, name, start_depth, cut_depth)
  local caller = " - " .. name
  if Milling.Pocket then
    local selection = Milling.job.Selection  -- clear current selection
  -- get layer
    local layer = Milling.job.LayerManager:FindLayerWithName(layer_name)
    if layer == nil then
      StatusMessage("Error", "Pocketing Toolpath", "No layer found with name = "   .. layer_name, " (4601)" .. caller, 165)
      return false
    end -- if end 
  -- select all closed vectors on the layer
    if not SelectVectorsOnLayer(layer, selection, true, false, true) then
      StatusMessage("Error", "Pocketing Toolpath", "No closed vectors found on layer " .. layer_name , "(4602)" .. caller, 165)
      return false
    end -- if end 
   -- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
    local tool = Tool(MillTool2.Name, Tool.END_MILL)    -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
          tool.InMM = MillTool2.InMM            -- tool_in_mm
          tool.ToolDia = MillTool2.ToolDia         -- tool_dia
          tool.Stepdown = MillTool2.Stepdown        -- tool_stepdown
          tool.Stepover = MillTool2.Stepover        -- tool_dia * (tool_stepover_percent / 100)
          tool.RateUnits = MillTool2.RateUnits       -- Tool.MM_SEC     -- MM_SEC, MM_MIN, METRES_MIN, INCHES_SEC, INCHES_MIN, FEET_MIN
          tool.FeedRate = MillTool2.FeedRate        -- 30
          tool.PlungeRate = MillTool2.PlungeRate      -- 10
          tool.SpindleSpeed = MillTool2.SpindleSpeed    -- 20000
          tool.ToolNumber = MillTool2.ToolNumber      -- 1
      --  tool.VBit_Angle = MillTool.VBit_Angle        -- 90.0            -- used for vbit only
      --  tool.ClearStepover = MillTool.ClearStepover   --  tool_dia * (tool_stepover_percent / 100)  -- used for vbit only
   -- we will set home position and safe z relative to material block size
    local mtl_block = MaterialBlock()
    local mtl_box = mtl_block.MaterialBox
    local mtl_box_blc = mtl_box.BLC
   -- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
    local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
          pos_data:SetHomePosition(mtl_box_blc.x, mtl_box_blc.y, mtl_box.TRC.z + (mtl_block.Thickness * 0.2) )
          pos_data.SafeZGap = mtl_block.Thickness * 0.1
   -- Create  object used to pass pocketing options
    local pocket_data = PocketParameterData()
          -- start depth for toolpath
          pocket_data.StartDepth = start_depth
          -- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
          pocket_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
          -- direction of cut for offset clearance - ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION or ProfileParameterData.CONVENTIONAL_DIRECTION 
          -- NOTE: enum from ProfileParameterData
          pocket_data.CutDirection = ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION
          -- Allowance to leave on when machining
          pocket_data.Allowance = 0.0
          -- if true use raster clearance strategy , else use offset area clearance
          pocket_data.DoRasterClearance = false --true
          -- angle for raster if using raster clearance
          pocket_data.RasterAngle = 0
          -- type of profile pass to perform  PocketParameterData.PROFILE_NONE , PocketParameterData.PROFILE_FIRST orPocketParameterData.PROFILE_LAST
          pocket_data.ProfilePassType = PocketParameterData.PROFILE_LAST
          -- if true we ramp into pockets (always zig-zag)
          pocket_data.DoRamping = false
          --  if ramping, distance to ramp over
          pocket_data.RampDistance = 1.0
          -- if true in Aspire, project toolpath onto composite model
          pocket_data.ProjectToolpath = false
   -- Create object which can used to automatically select geometry on layers etc.
    local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector()
   -- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view, if false we don't
    local create_2d_previews = true
   -- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
    local display_warnings =  true -- false --
   -- if we are doing two tool pocketing define tool to use for area clearance
    local area_clear_tool = nil
    if Milling.Clearning then
   -- we just create a tool twice as large for testing here
     area_clear_tool = Tool(MillTool3.Name, Tool.END_MILL)  -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
     area_clear_tool.InMM = MillTool3.InMM       -- tool_in_mm
     area_clear_tool.ToolDia = MillTool3.ToolDia    -- tool_dia * 2
     area_clear_tool.Stepdown = MillTool3.Stepdown   -- tool_stepdown * 2
     area_clear_tool.Stepover = MillTool3.Stepover   -- tool_dia * 2 *(tool_stepover_percent / 100)
     area_clear_tool.RateUnits = MillTool3.RateUnits  -- Tool.MM_SEC  -- MM_SEC, MM_MIN, METRES_MIN, INCHES_SEC, INCHES_MIN, FEET_MIN
     area_clear_tool.FeedRate = MillTool3.FeedRate      -- 30
     area_clear_tool.PlungeRate = MillTool3.PlungeRate    -- 10
     area_clear_tool.SpindleSpeed = MillTool3.SpindleSpeed  -- 20000
     area_clear_tool.ToolNumber = MillTool3.ToolNumber    -- 1
    end -- if end
     -- area_clear_tool.VBit_Angle = Carrier.MillTool3.VBit_Angle      -- 90.0 -- used for vbit only
     -- area_clear_tool.ClearStepover = Carrier.MillTool3.ClearStepover  -- tool_dia * 2 * (tool_stepover_percent / 100)  -- used for vbit only
   -- Create our toolpath
    local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
    local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreatePocketingToolpath(
    if toolpath_id  == nil  then
      StatusMessage("Error", "Milling Settings", "Unable to create toolpath.", "(4603)" .. caller, 165)
      return false
    end -- if end 
  end -- if end 
  return true
end -- function end
-- =====================================================]]

Drilling Toolpath

Drilling Toolpath by Selection

Create a drilling toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors.

 function CreateDrillingToolpath(name, start_depth, cut_depth, retract_gap, 
                                          tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_in_mm)
--[[ ------- CreateDrillingToolpath --------------------------------------------------
Create a drilling toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors
| Parameters:
| name, -- Name for toolpath
| start_depth -- Start depth for toolpath below surface of material
| cut_depth -- cut depth for drilling toolpath
| retract_gap -- distance to retract above surface for pecks
| tool_dia -- diameter of drill to use
| tool_stepdown -- stepdown for tool
| tool_in_mm -- true if tool size and stepdown are in mm
  Return Values:
|   true if toolpath created OK else false
-- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
  local tool = Tool("Lua Drill", Tool.THROUGH_DRILL) -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT, THROUGH_DRILL
  tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
  tool.ToolDia = tool_dia
  tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown
  tool.Stepover = tool_dia * 0.25
  tool.FeedRate = 30
  tool.PlungeRate = 10
  tool.SpindleSpeed = 20000
  tool.ToolNumber = 1
  tool.VBitAngle = 90.0 -- used for vbit only
  tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia * 0.5 -- used for vbit only
-- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
  local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
        pos_data:SetHomePosition(0, 0, 5.0)
        pos_data.SafeZGap = 5.0
-- Create object used to pass profile options
  local drill_data = DrillParameterData()
-- start depth for toolpath
  drill_data.StartDepth = start_depth
-- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
  drill_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
-- if true perform peck drilling
  drill_data.DoPeckDrill = retract_gap > 0.0
-- distance to retract above surface when peck drilling
  drill_data.PeckRetractGap = retract_gap
-- if true in Aspire, project toolpath onto composite model
  drill_data.ProjectToolpath = false
-- Create object which can be used to automatically select geometry
  local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector()
-- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view,
-- if false we dont
  local create_2d_previews = true
-- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
  local display_warnings = true
-- Create our toolpath
  local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
  local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreateDrillingToolpath(name, tool, drill_data, pos_data, geometry_selector, 
                                                            create_2d_previews, display_warnings)
  if toolpath_id == nil then
    DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
    return false
  end -- if end
  return true
end -- function end
-- =====================================================]]

Drilling Toolpath by Named Layer

Create a drilling toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors.

 function CreateDrillingToolpath(layer_name, name, start_depth, cut_depth, retract_gap, 
                                          tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_in_mm)
--[[ ------- CreateDrillingToolpath --------------------------------------------------
Create a drilling toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors
| Parameters:
| name, -- Name for toolpath
| start_depth -- Start depth for toolpath below surface of material
| cut_depth -- cut depth for drilling toolpath
| retract_gap -- distance to retract above surface for pecks
| tool_dia -- diameter of drill to use
| tool_stepdown -- stepdown for tool
| tool_in_mm -- true if tool size and stepdown are in mm
  Return Values:
|   true if toolpath created OK else false
-- get layer
    local layer = Milling.job.LayerManager:FindLayerWithName(layer_name)
    if layer == nil then
      StatusMessage("Error", "Pocketing Toolpath", "No layer found with name = "   .. layer_name, " (4601)" .. caller, 165)
      return false
  -- select all closed vectors on the layer
    if not SelectVectorsOnLayer(layer, selection, true, false, true) then
      StatusMessage("Error", "Pocketing Toolpath", "No closed vectors found on layer " .. layer_name , "(4602)" .. caller, 165)
      return false
-- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
  local tool = Tool("Lua Drill", Tool.THROUGH_DRILL) -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT, THROUGH_DRILL
  tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
  tool.ToolDia = tool_dia
  tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown
  tool.Stepover = tool_dia * 0.25
  tool.FeedRate = 30
  tool.PlungeRate = 10
  tool.SpindleSpeed = 20000
  tool.ToolNumber = 1
  tool.VBitAngle = 90.0 -- used for vbit only
  tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia * 0.5 -- used for vbit only
-- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
  local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
        pos_data:SetHomePosition(0, 0, 5.0)
        pos_data.SafeZGap = 5.0
-- Create object used to pass profile options
  local drill_data = DrillParameterData()
-- start depth for toolpath
  drill_data.StartDepth = start_depth
-- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
  drill_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
-- if true perform peck drilling
  drill_data.DoPeckDrill = retract_gap > 0.0
-- distance to retract above surface when peck drilling
  drill_data.PeckRetractGap = retract_gap
-- if true in Aspire, project toolpath onto composite model
  drill_data.ProjectToolpath = false
-- Create object which can be used to automatically select geometry
  local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector()
-- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view,
-- if false we dont
  local create_2d_previews = true
-- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
  local display_warnings = true
-- Create our toolpath
  local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
  local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreateDrillingToolpath(name, tool, drill_data, pos_data, geometry_selector, 
                                                            create_2d_previews, display_warnings)
  if toolpath_id == nil then
    DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
    return false
  end -- if end
  return true
end -- function end
-- =====================================================]]

V-Carve Toolpaths

CreateVCarveToolpath by Selection

Create a V-Carve toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors.


CreateVCarveToolpath by Layer Name

Create a V-Carve toolpath within the program by Layer Name.


Fluting Toolpaths

CreateFlutingToolpath by Selection

Create a Fluting toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors.

   function CreateFlutingToolpath(name, start_depth, cut_depth, tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_in_mm)
    --[[ ----------------- CreateFlutingToolpath -----------------
  | Create a flutting toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors
  | Parameters:
  | name, -- Name for toolpath
  | start_depth -- Start depth for toolpath below surface of material
  | cut_depth -- cut depth for toolpath
  | tool_dia -- diameter of tool to use
  | tool_stepdown -- stepdown for tool
  | tool_in_mm -- true if tool size and stepdown are in mm
  | Return Values:
  | true if toolpath created OK else false
    -- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
    local tool = Tool("Lua Ball Nose", Tool.BALL_NOSE) -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT, THROUGH_DRILL
    tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
    tool.ToolDia = tool_dia
    tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown
    tool.Stepover = tool_dia * 0.25
    tool.FeedRate = 30
    tool.PlungeRate = 10
    tool.SpindleSpeed = 20000
    tool.ToolNumber = 1
    tool.VBit_Angle = 90.0 -- used for vbit only
    tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia * 0.5 -- used for vbit only
    -- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
    local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
    pos_data:SetHomePosition(0, 0, 1.0)
    pos_data.SafeZGap = 5.0
    -- Create object used to pass fluting options
    local fluting_data = FlutingParameterData()
    -- start depth for toolpath
    fluting_data.StartDepth = start_depth
    -- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
    fluting_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
    -- type of fluting FULL_LENGTH, RAMP_START or RAMP_START_END
    fluting_data.FluteType = FlutingParameterData.RAMP_START_END
    -- type of ramping RAMP_LINEAR, RAMP_SMOOTH
    fluting_data.RampType = FlutingParameterData.RAMP_LINEAR
    -- if true use ratio field for controling ramp length else absolute length value
    fluting_data.UseRampRatio = false
    -- length of ramp as ratio of flute length(range 0 - 1.0)
    -- (for start and end - ratio is of half length)
    fluting_data.RampRatio = 0.2
    -- length to ramp over - if UseRampRatio == false
    fluting_data.RampLength = 15
    -- if true in Aspire, project toolpath onto composite model
    fluting_data.ProjectToolpath = false
    -- Create object which can be used to automatically select geometry
    local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector()
    -- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view, if false we dont
    local create_2d_previews = true
    -- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
    local display_warnings = true
    -- Create our toolpath
    local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
    local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreateFlutingToolpath(name, tool, fluting_data, pos_data, geometry_selector, create_2d_previews, display_warnings)
    if toolpath_id == nil then
      DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
      return false
      return true
    end -- if end 

    end -- end function
-- =====================================================]]

CreateFlutingToolpath by Layer Name

Create a Fluting toolpath within the program by Layer Name.


Profile Toolpaths

CreateProfileToolpath by Selection

Create a Profile toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors.


CreateProfileToolpath by Layer Name

Create a Profile toolpath within the program by Layer Name.

  function CreateProfileToolpath(layer_name, name, start_depth, cut_depth, tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_in_mm)
   -- get layer
    local layer = Milling.job.LayerManager:FindLayerWithName(layer_name)
    if layer == nil then
      StatusMessage("Error", "Pocketing Toolpath", "No layer found with name = "   .. layer_name, " (4601)" .. caller, 165)
      return false
    end -- if end 
  -- select all closed vectors on the layer
    if not SelectVectorsOnLayer(layer, selection, true, false, true) then
      StatusMessage("Error", "Pocketing Toolpath", "No closed vectors found on layer " .. layer_name , "(4602)" .. caller, 165)
      return false
    end -- if end 
    -- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
    local tool = Tool("Lua End Mill", Tool.END_MILL) -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
    tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
    tool.ToolDia = tool_dia
    tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown
    tool.Stepover = tool_dia * 0.25
    tool.RateUnits = Tool.MM_SEC -- MM_SEC, MM_MIN, METRES_MIN, INCHES_SEC ...
    tool.FeedRate = 30
    tool.PlungeRate = 10
    tool.SpindleSpeed = 20000
    tool.ToolNumber = 1
    tool.VBit_Angle = 90.0 -- used for vbit only
    tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia * 0.5 -- used for vbit only
    -- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
    local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
    pos_data:SetHomePosition(0, 0, 1.0)
    pos_data.SafeZGap = 5.0
    -- Create object used to pass profile options
    local profile_data = ProfileParameterData()
    -- start depth for toolpath
    profile_data.StartDepth = start_depth
    -- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
    profile_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
    -- direction of cut - ProfileParameterData.
    profile_data.CutDirection = ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION
    -- side we machine on - ProfileParameterData.
    -- PROFILE_OUTSIDE, ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_INSIDE or
    -- ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_ON
    profile_data.ProfileSide = ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_OUTSIDE
    -- Allowance to leave on when machining
    profile_data.Allowance = 0.0
    -- true to preserve start point positions, false to reorder start
    -- points to minimise toolpath length
    profile_data.KeepStartPoints = false
    -- true if want to create 'square' external corners on toolpath
    profile_data.CreateSquareCorners = false
    -- true to perform corner sharpening on internal corners (only with v-bits)
    profile_data.CornerSharpen = false
    -- true to use tabs (position of tabs must already have been defined on vectors)
    profile_data.UseTabs = false
    -- length for tabs if being used
    profile_data.TabLength = 5.0
    -- Thickness for tabs if being used
    profile_data.TabThickness = 1.0
    -- if true then create 3d tabs else 2d tabs
    profile_data.Use3dTabs = true
    -- if true in Aspire, project toolpath onto composite model
    profile_data.ProjectToolpath = false
    -- Create object used to control ramping
    local ramping_data = RampingData()
    -- if true we do ramping into toolpath
    ramping_data.DoRamping = false
    -- type of ramping to perform RampingData.RAMP_LINEAR , RampingData.RAMP_ZIG_ZAG
    -- or RampingData.RAMP_SPIRAL
    ramping_data.RampType = RampingData.RAMP_ZIG_ZAG
    -- how ramp is contrained - either by angle or distance RampingData.CONSTRAIN_DISTANCE
    -- or RampingData.CONSTRAIN_ANGLE
    ramping_data.RampConstraint = RampingData.CONSTRAIN_ANGLE
    -- if we are constraining ramp by distance, distance to ramp over
    ramping_data.RampDistance = 100.0
    -- if we are contraining ramp by angle , angle to ramp in at (in degrees)
    ramping_data.RampAngle = 25.0
    -- if we are contraining ramp by angle, max distance to travel before 'zig zaging'
    -- if zig zaging
    ramping_data.RampMaxAngleDist = 15
    -- if true we restrict our ramping to lead in section of toolpath
    ramping_data.RampOnLeadIn = false
    -- Create object used to control lead in/out
    local lead_in_out_data = LeadInOutData()
    -- if true we create lead ins on profiles (not for profile on)
    lead_in_out_data.DoLeadIn = false
    -- if true we create lead outs on profiles (not for profile on)
    lead_in_out_data.DoLeadOut = false
    -- type of leads to create LeadInOutData.LINEAR_LEAD or LeadInOutData.CIRCULAR_LEAD
    lead_in_out_data.LeadType = LeadInOutData.CIRCULAR_LEAD
    -- length of lead to create
    lead_in_out_data.LeadLength = 10.0
    -- Angle for linear leads
    lead_in_out_data.LinearLeadAngle = 45
    -- Radius for circular arc leads
    lead_in_out_data.CirularLeadRadius = 5.0
    -- distance to 'overcut' (travel past start point) when profiling
    lead_in_out_data.OvercutDistance = 0.0
    -- Create object which can be used to automatically select geometry
    local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector()
    -- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view, if false we dont
    local create_2d_previews = true
    -- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
    local display_warnings = true
    -- Create our toolpath
    local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
    local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreateProfilingToolpath(name, tool, profile_data, ramping_data, lead_in_out_data, pos_data, geometry_selector, create_2d_previews, display_warnings )
    if toolpath_id == nil then
      DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
      return false
    end -- if end 
    return true
end -- end function
-- =====================================================]]

Prism Toolpaths

CreatePrismToolpath by Selection

Create a Prism toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors.

   function CreatePrismToolpath(name, start_depth, cut_depth, vbit_angle, vbit_dia, vbit_stepdown, tool_stepover_percent, tool_in_mm)
  --[[ ------------------- CreatePrismToolpath -------------------
  | Create a prism toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors
  | Parameters:
  | name, -- Name for toolpath
  | start_depth -- Start depth for toolpath below surface of material
  | cut_depth -- cut depth for drilling toolpath
  | vbit_angle -- angle of vbit to use
  | vbit_dia -- diameter of VBit to use
  | vbit_stepdown -- stepdown for tool
  | tool_stepover_percent - percentage stepover for tool
  | tool_in_mm -- true if tool size and stepdown are in mm
  | Return Values:
  | true if toolpath created OK else false
    -- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
    local tool = Tool("Lua VBit", Tool.VBIT ) -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
    tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
    tool.ToolDia = vbit_dia
    tool.Stepdown = vbit_stepdown
    tool.Stepover = vbit_dia * (tool_stepover_percent / 100)
    tool.FeedRate = 30
    tool.PlungeRate = 10
    tool.SpindleSpeed = 20000
    tool.ToolNumber = 1
    tool.VBit_Angle = 90.0 -- used for vbit only
    tool.ClearStepover = vbit_dia * (tool_stepover_percent / 100) * 2 -- used for vbit only
    -- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
    local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
    pos_data:SetHomePosition(0, 0, 1.0)
    pos_data.SafeZGap = 5.0
    -- Create object used to pass profile options
    local prism_data = PrismCarveParameterData()
    -- start depth for toolpath
    prism_data.StartDepth = start_depth
    -- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
    prism_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
    -- direction of cut for offet clearance - ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION
    -- or ProfileParameterData.CONVENTIONAL_DIRECTION - NOTE: enum from ProfileParameterData
    prism_data.CutDirection = ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION
    -- calculate the minimum cut depth to fully form the bevel on the current
    -- selection with the current tool
    local min_bevel_depth = prism_data:CalculateMinimumBevelDepth(tool, true)
    if min_bevel_depth > cut_depth then
      DisplayMessageBox("A prism will not be fully formed with a depth of " .. cut_depth .. "\r\n" ..
                        "A depth of " .. min_bevel_depth .. " is required to fully form the prism"
    end -- if end
    -- Create object which can be used to automatically select geometry
    local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector()
    -- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view, if false we dont
    local create_2d_previews = true
    -- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
    local display_warnings = true
    -- Create our toolpath
    local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
    local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreatePrismCarvingToolpath(name, tool, prism_data, pos_data, geometry_selector, create_2d_previews, display_warnings)
    if toolpath_id == nil then
      DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
      return false
    end -- if end
    return true
end -- end function
-- =====================================================]]

CreatePrismToolpath by Layer Name

Create a Prism toolpath within the program by Layer Name.

  function CreatePrismToolpath(layer_name, name, start_depth, cut_depth, vbit_angle, vbit_dia, vbit_stepdown, tool_stepover_percent, tool_in_mm)
  --[[ ------------------- CreatePrismToolpath -------------------
  | Create a prism toolpath within the program for the currently selected vectors
  | Parameters:
  | name, -- Name for toolpath
  | start_depth -- Start depth for toolpath below surface of material
  | cut_depth -- cut depth for drilling toolpath
  | vbit_angle -- angle of vbit to use
  | vbit_dia -- diameter of VBit to use
  | vbit_stepdown -- stepdown for tool
  | tool_stepover_percent - percentage stepover for tool
  | tool_in_mm -- true if tool size and stepdown are in mm
  | Return Values:
  | true if toolpath created OK else false
   -- get layer
    local layer = Milling.job.LayerManager:FindLayerWithName(layer_name)
    if layer == nil then
      StatusMessage("Error", "Pocketing Toolpath", "No layer found with name = " .. layer_name, " (4601)" .. caller, 165)
      return false
  -- select all closed vectors on the layer
    if not SelectVectorsOnLayer(layer, selection, true, false, true) then
      StatusMessage("Error", "Pocketing Toolpath", "No closed vectors found on layer " .. layer_name , "(4602)" .. caller, 165)
      return false
    -- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
    local tool = Tool("Lua VBit", Tool.VBIT ) -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
    tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
    tool.ToolDia = vbit_dia
    tool.Stepdown = vbit_stepdown
    tool.Stepover = vbit_dia * (tool_stepover_percent / 100)
    tool.FeedRate = 30
    tool.PlungeRate = 10
    tool.SpindleSpeed = 20000
    tool.ToolNumber = 1
    tool.VBit_Angle = 90.0 -- used for vbit only
    tool.ClearStepover = vbit_dia * (tool_stepover_percent / 100) * 2 -- used for vbit only
    -- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
    local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
    pos_data:SetHomePosition(0, 0, 1.0)
    pos_data.SafeZGap = 5.0
    -- Create object used to pass profile options
    local prism_data = PrismCarveParameterData()
    -- start depth for toolpath
    prism_data.StartDepth = start_depth
    -- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
    prism_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
    -- direction of cut for offet clearance - ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION or ProfileParameterData.CONVENTIONAL_DIRECTION - NOTE: enum from ProfileParameterData
    prism_data.CutDirection = ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION
    -- calculate the minimum cut depth to fully form the bevel on the current
    -- selection with the current tool
    local min_bevel_depth = prism_data:CalculateMinimumBevelDepth(tool, true)
    if min_bevel_depth > cut_depth then
      DisplayMessageBox("A prism will not be fully formed with a depth of " .. cut_depth .. "\r\n" ..
                        "A depth of " .. min_bevel_depth .. " is required to fully form the prism")
    end -- if end
    -- Create object which can be used to automatically select geometry
    local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector()
    -- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view, if false we dont
    local create_2d_previews = true
    -- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
    local display_warnings = true
    -- Create our toolpath
    local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
    local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreatePrismCarvingToolpath(name, tool, prism_data, pos_data, geometry_selector, create_2d_previews, display_warnings)
    if toolpath_id == nil then
      DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
      return false
    end -- if end
    return true
end -- end function
-- =====================================================]]


Please Note: The base material for the contents found in this WiKi was sourced from Vectric Lua Interface for Gadgets, version 2.05, published September 12, 2018. by Vectric Ltd. Most current document from Vertric can be downloaded at Vertric Developer Information